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South Central gardening: Which plants suit Texas?

If you’re a budding horticulturalist or gifted with a green thumb and about to move to South Central Texas, here are the kids of plants you can grow to start your South Central garden. Not only do these varieties thrive in the region’s varied climates, they also look wonderful.

Henry Duelberg (Salvia farinacea)

Native to Texas, this gorgeous flowering plant is drought-tolerant and easy to grow. Growing up to three feet tall, its flower spikes are often covered in dark, purplish-blue blooms that look wonderful against a backdrop of emerald leaves. If you want to keep your salvia blooming all year round, cut back the spikes to encourage it to re-bloom. This plant is perfect for water-wise gardeners.

‘Texas Gold’ columbine (Aquilegia chrysantha var. hinckleyana ‘Texas Gold’)

Highly coveted in South Central gardens, the Hinckley columbine can rarely be seen growing in the wild. To grow this columbine, make sure you plant it in a spot in your garden where it can enjoy shade, adequate moisture, and well-drained soil. You’ll love its fernlike foliage and bright, buttercup-yellow flowers.

Belinda’s Dream rose

Who doesn’t love roses? The first rose to be named after a Texas superstar is also the first of its kind to be awarded the prestigious Earth-Kind designation. Growing up to 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide, Belinda’s Dream is one of the best flowering roses out there; you don’t have to worry about taking care of it. Its lovely pink blooms (with a petal count of over 100!), and eye-catching blue-green foliage are sure to make your garden look amazing.

Deciduous holly (Ilex decidua)

Dreaming of having a deciduous holly in your garden? Fret not, gardening enthusiast, for you can have your very own holly tree in your South Central garden. While it loves to grow on moist, acidic soil with just the right amount of sun, the tree is fairly adaptable and easy to grow. Watch the tree come alive as it produces orange-red berries come autumn – a welcome pop of color. To ensure berry production, make sure you have a male and female tree in your garden.

Chinkapin oak (Quercus muehlenbergii)

One of the most underutilized native trees, the heat-tolerant and adaptable Chinkapin oak produces lush green foliage that gradually transforms to shades of yellow, orange-brown, and rich brown during autumn. It also attracts hummingbirds and butterflies, sure to make your South Central garden livelier and lovelier. Chinkapin oak can grow up to 50 feet tall and prefers neutral to alkaline soil.

For more information on plants to include in your South Central garden, click here and here.

Happy gardening!

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